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Deepfake Side Project

A side project from the main data science page. Sentiments analysis is done on 16 investment ads and a deepfake fictitious investment ad is created.


Tools: Heygen, Capcut, Chatgpt 

Inspired by Cold Fusion's exploration of how companies and individuals market financial products and dreams, this project delves into the patterns of financial investment ads on social media. Utilizing ChatGPT for qualitative analysis, we aimed to uncover recurring themes in 16 randomly selected video ads, ranging from one to five minutes in length, and transform these insights into a compelling deepfake video pitch.

Educational Deep Dive into Deepfakes​

This endeavor serves as both an educational introduction to deepfake technology and a critical analysis of investment advertising tactics. We have dissected the subtle strategies used by "investment gurus" to sell their narratives, ultimately crafting a narrative that embodies these tactics within a 55-second deepfake investment ad, brought to life using Heygen.​

1. Investment Ads Sentiment Analysis

A. Financial Investment Ad Data


  1. Randomly sampled 16 financial investment video ads from social media. These videos are 1 min to 5 min long.

  2. Transcribed the video ads using Capcut. Due to sensitivity issues, the transcripts will not be published.

  3. Using ChatGPT’s LLM function, texts were analyzed to provide insights on the commonalities of these ads. ChatGPT was not told that these were investment ads but to (1) analyze the texts and sentiments of these transcripts, (2) identify common themes, and (3) cite example sentences or paragraphs to support the analysis. 


B. Text Analysis Output


After analyzing the sentiment of all 16 transcripts, the average polarity (which indicates the positivity or negativity of the text) is approximately 0.17, suggesting a generally positive tone across the interviews. The average subjectivity score is about 0.46, indicating a moderate level of subjectivity in the content, meaning the transcripts mix factual information with personal opinions and experiences.


Key Themes and Tactics

  1. Educational Content as a Gateway:

    • Offering free workshops, webinars, or video series as an entry point, emphasizing the simplicity and accessibility of the presented investment strategies. "if you want to know how, check out this 3 part video series where I will show you exactly how you can identify profitable entry and exit point for any stocks".

  2. Success Stories and Testimonials:

    • Using success stories to illustrate the effectiveness of their strategies, often mentioning specific financial gains. "XX here made $XXX in profit in less than two months trading the same stock over and over again".

  3. Simplification of Complex Concepts:

    • Breaking down complex investment strategies into simple, easy-to-understand concepts, making them accessible to a broader audience. "the XXX investment strategies, the same strategy many high net wealth individual use"​​.

  4. Financial Independence and Freedom:

    • Emphasising the potential for financial independence and the ability to retire early as a result of following their investment strategies. "anyone can not only retire 10 to 15 years earlier but also be able to leave money for their next few generations if they have the right strategies to do so"​​.

  5. Risk Management:

    • Discussing strategies to manage or mitigate investment risks, addressing potential concerns upfront. "the biggest risk is the risk of liquidity... liquidity is your friend, it is also your biggest enemy"​​.

  6. Demonstrating Expertise and Authority:

    • Presenters often reference their qualifications, experience, and recognition in the industry to establish credibility. "I've been featured on the Business Times and XXX Academy for my trading method"​​.

  7. Limited Opportunities and Urgency:

    • Creating a sense of urgency by suggesting that opportunities to participate are limited or by offering time-sensitive bonuses. "and now for a limited time only, you can get it for free"​​.

  8. Personal Journeys and Relatability:

    • Sharing personal stories of financial challenges and how their strategies provided a solution, making the pitch more relatable. "I joined the XXX course together with my wife... and that creating more passive income for myself"​​.

  9. Focusing on Passive Income without much effort:

    • Highlighting the creation of passive income as a primary benefit, appealing to those looking to earn without active involvement. "when you learn how to invest your own money to create passive income... you can create income for yourself"​​.


These citations underline the strategies employed to engage and persuade potential investors, blending educational content, success stories, and the promise of financial freedom to motivate action.

2. Chatgpt Generated Fictitious Script

"Introducing the Carter Wealth Blueprint, as seen in the Singapore Financial Review, your key to unlocking a future where financial freedom isn't just a dream, it's your new reality.

Tagline: "Empower Your Financial Dreams"

Discover how Simplification, Risk Management, and Strategic Investing are revolutionized by our 'Freedom Gauge.' This groundbreaking tool demystifies market entry and exit points, placing successful investing within reach for everyone.

Tagline: "Navigate Your Success with the Freedom Gauge"

Our 'Investing for Freedom' masterclass, spotlighted by experts, equips you with everything from the basics to sophisticated strategies.

Tagline: "Master Investing with Ease"

Secure your spot in our exclusive webinar. With limited availability, we ensure a personalized experience that could transform your financial future.

Tagline: "Transform Your Future, One Investment at a Time"

This is your invitation to change your life. Join the Carter Wealth Blueprint community and start your journey towards financial independence today.

Tagline: "The Carter Wealth Blueprint: Your Pathway to Prosperity"

Don't let this opportunity pass. The time to act is now. Welcome to a new era of investing."

Tagline: "Step into Your Financial Freedom with Carter"

3. Conclusion

The Value Proposition


This project underscores the potent blend of AI's analytical power and creative potential. By dissecting and reconstructing investment ad tactics through a deepfake video, we offer viewers a unique lens to recognize and critically evaluate the persuasive techniques employed in financial marketing. This initiative aims not only to educate about deepfake technology but also to empower individuals to navigate the complex landscape of financial investment advertisements with informed skepticism.​

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